Here’s to making sure your Cervix is 2020

The month of January not only marks the beginning of a new year but also Cervical health awareness month.
And what better way to talk about Cervical health than to talk about Cervical cancer . Yes, awareness about cervical cancer is low but what better way to ring in the new year then to be more woke.
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer affecting women worldwide and the second most common cancer among women in India. Though it is widely regarded as the most preventable of all cancers due to its slow development, it accounts for almost 14% of all cancer cases in India. This is mainly due to the lack of a nationalized immunization program against HPV and low accessibility to screening methods, the disease is characterized by late detection.
What is Cervical cancer ?
It is a cancer that develops in the cervix region which is the entrance to the uterus from a woman's vagina.
What causes Cervical Cancer?
Sadly, it is not 100% clear what exactly causes cervical cancer. Though it is widely known to be caused by infection with the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that causes about 99% of all cervical cancer cases, but most women with HPV are not faced with the risk of getting cervical cancer.
Cervical Cancer: Symptoms and Signs :
Here's what to look out for in order to catch it in its early stages.
- Blood spots or light bleeding between or following periods.
- Menstrual bleeding is longer and heavier than usual.
- Bleeding after intercourse or a pelvic examination.
- Increased vaginal discharge.
- Pain during sexual intercourse.
- Bleeding after menopause.
- Unexplained, persistent pelvic and/or back pain
Diagnosis :
The best and fastest way to check for Cervical cancer is to go for a cervical examination or a colonoscopy. This is done in order to collect small samples of cervix tissue in order to conduct a biopsy for detection of cancerous cells.
Prevention :
Getting a regular cervical screening is said to be one of the most common methods of detection and prevention. Another effective means of prevention is to get vaccinated against HPV and also practicing safe sex by using protection when engaging in any physical activity.
As we celebrate Cervical cancer Awareness month, we should all do our bit to ensure that we stay safe and cancer free.
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